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Monday 17 February 2025
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perugia hotel

Choose from the full range of lodgings available in Perugia and the surrounding area. The best prices to stay in Perugia. Visit these section to suit your needs:
Hotels, Apartments, Farms & Country-Houses, Historic Residences, Bed & Breakfast, Residence, Hostels, Religious Boarding Houses, Campings, Camper Motorhome.

perugia restaurant

Get the inside scoop on the full variety of cuisine available in Perugia and the surrounding area, from the best local specialities to top international cuisine or just a simple pizza in the Restaurants, Pizzerias, and Pubs section.

Perugia Typical products

Consult our Typical Products section to find out where to get the area's best local produce and make the most of it in your kitchen at home.

Perugia What to See & Do

View a map of Perugia and looking for a great way to spend time in Perugia?
Take a look at our Activities Packages section to find out what extra amusements the city and the surrounding area can offer or take a look at best prices to buy online typical products .

 Perugia Online

New design, new layout, new contents but the same objective: to provide a constantly updated guide.

perugia hotel

La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugiaitalian ham sell online

Shopping in Perugia

Perugia City Shopping Discover the main shopping streets and squares in Perugia. Find Umbrian typical products, best prices to buy online and more with just a click of your mouse...



Sorry, non news - i soggetti interessati a far conoscere le iniziative che avranno luogo nell'ambito del territorio comunale sono invitati a darne comunicazione con congruo anticipo utilizzando l'email redazione@umbriaonline.com

Trasimeno Lake
LAKE TRASIMENE - The best accommodations Trasimeno Lake and selection of fish restaurants in Trasimeno Lake - Umbria. Specialised in cooking fresh water fish, the restaurants around the Lago Trasimeno offer you unique dishes such as carp cooked over a wood fire or tegamaccio, a fish soup made using all the types of fish from Lake Trasimene stewed in the best olive oil, white wine and herbs.
 Month's Choices

Itineraries & Museums in Umbria
Itineraries & Museums in Umbria: Locations, timetables, tickets and guided tours in the most important umbrian museums: Perugia, Orvieto, Norcia, Gubbio, Todi, Foligno, Città di Castello, Montefalco, Deruta e Torgiano. [ Visit Website ]
Italian language courses
Perugia Online One of the many roads that leads to Perugia can be the essential starting point of learning the Italian language..... Comments: COMITATO LINGUISTICO has provided an excellent course for me. It is pitched at the correct level for me. I found it challenging at time but I am so amazed at what I have learnt in 2 weeks. I would highly recommend this course to others ...

The Amusement Park : La Citta della Domenica
Perugia Online A must for adults and children alike who want to get close to animals and nature during their visit to Umbria. With its 40 hectares of parkland in the Monte Pulito area of Perugia, Città della Domenica is the place to visit.
Golfing holidays
Perugia Online What could be better than a golfing holiday? Golf is a fast-growing sport in Italy and Umbria is an unexpected Golfers paradise.
Take a look !

Nature Walks Around Cascia:To Cascia via the Scoglio di Santa Rita, the vast rocky pyramid that dominates the village of Roccaporena
Perugia Online A trip to Roccaporena for the annual Festa delle Rose e delle Rite on June 22nd can be an ideal opportunity to discover the little known but spectacular natural landscape of this area. Along the Corno and Tissino basins an itinerary runs from Roccaporena towards the Medieval hamlet of Monteleone di Spoleto and continues for Poggiodomo and Cerreto di Spoleto.
Cooking courses
Perugia Online Discover and learn the authentic Italian and Umbrian Cooking! A cooking school for food lovers, beginners and professionals: our school has been officially recognized and honored by the Province of Perugia as instrumental in promoting the culinary culture of Umbria .... [continues]
Shopping in Perugia

Perugia Hotel Tevere
Visit Website ]

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina®

  General information
General travel tips 
Weather information  
Tourist guides and visit guided in Umbria 
Local opening times 
Useful - emergency numbers 
Perugia for living 
Hospital Perugia 
Hospital Foligno 
Real Estates and Home Builders 
Homes for sale, property, apartments selling 

  Transport in town
Traffic restrictions 
Buses & Taxis 
Town map 
How to reach Perugia by car 
How to reach Perugia by train 
How to reach Perugia by Air 

  Transport out of town
Rent a car 
Local and national buses 

Hotel Tevere Perugia

  Where to Stay


  Where to eat and drink
Restaurants and Trattorie 

Hotel San Sebastiano Perugia

  Art and monuments
Rocca Paolina 
Ipogeo dei Volumni 
Etruscan town walls 
Palazzo dei Priori 
Porta Sant' Angelo 
Maesta delle Volte 
Collegio della Mercanzia 
Collegio del Cambio 
Fontana Maggiore 

  Art and religion
Cathedral of San Lorenzo 
Church of San Filippo Neri 
Oratory of San Bernardino 
Church of Sant' Ercolano 
Church of San Domenico 
Church of San Pietro 


  Museums and galleries
Historic Museum Perugina 
Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria 
Museo Archeologico 
Palazzo della Penna 
Accademia delle Belle Arti 
Museo di Storia Naturale 
Museo Capitolare San Lorenzo 
Cappella di San Severo 

  Art and tourist attractions
Palazzo Capitano del Popolo 
Botanical garden 

  Perugia News
Sorry, non news - i soggetti interessati a far conoscere le iniziative che avranno luogo nell'ambito del territorio comunale sono invitati a darne comunicazione con congruo anticipo utilizzando l'email redazione@umbriaonline.com
All Perugia news

 Regional News by Category

Typical Products FAIRS

Villa Nuba Perugia

  What to see & do
Itineraries & Museums in Umbria 
Italian language courses 
The Amusement Park : La Citta della Domenica 
Golfing holidays 
Nature Walks Around Cascia:To Cascia via the Scoglio di Santa Rita, the vast rocky pyramid that dominates the village of Roccaporena 
Cooking courses 
Shopping in Perugia 
Perugia Hotel Tevere 
Assisi Villa Giulia 

  Lake Trasimeno
General Information 
The islands - boat tours 
Eating well by Lake Trasimene 
Bathing - Lake Trasimene 

La Rosetta Hotel & Restaurant, Perugia

  SPECIALS in Umbria - Italy
Gift Ideas for traveling 
Wellness in Umbria - Perugia area 
Weddings in Umbria 
Honeymooning in Umbria 
Charme & Relax in Umbria 
Home in Umbria 

Language schools for Foreigners 
Cooking schools 
University for Foreigners Perugia 
Design, Fashion, Visual arts and Communication Schools 
Perugia for Studying 
Italian Army Foreign Language School  
Arts, Music, etc. 

  Typical products
Norcia Ham IGP 
Extra Virgin Olive Oil  

  Flavours to taste
Salumi Tipici Italiani online selling 
Oleum Evo online selling 
Sapori Tipici Italiani buy now 
From the forest