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Information and Links

In this section we highlight a range of information and links useful during your stay in Italy, in the Umbria region, in the province of Perugia.

General Information (Italy)

Official name of the country: the Italian Republic
Official language: Italian
Capital: Rome (2,823,804 inhab. / 2004)

Government: Parliamentary Republic
Independence: 17 March 1861
Entry to the UN: December 14, 1955
Entry into the EU, a founding member of: March 25, 1957

Total: 301,338 km ² (69th)
% Water: 2.4%

Total (census October 2006): 59093092 ab. (23 °)
Density: 196.1 inhab. / Km ² (40 °)

Continent: Europe
Time zone: UTC +1

TLD:. En
Prefix tel.: +39
Designation Auto.: The
National Anthem: The Song of the Italians known as “national anthem” or “Brothers of Italy”
National Day: June 2

Regional Data (Umbria)

Capital: Perugia

The main tourist centers: Assisi, Perugia, Gubbio, Todi, Orvieto, Lago Trasimeno, Norcia, Spoleto, Campello sul Clitunno, Montefalco, Corciano, Trevi, Spello, Bevagna, Marmore Falls.

Main dishes: torta al testo, strangozzi with black truffle, barbozza, crostini with truffle sauce umbrichelli in Trasimeno, ciriole to Terni, Spoleto to strangozzi, lentil soup, Palombaccio, drunken chicken, bull to Perugia.

Main sweets: the Torcolo di San Costanzo, the Rocciata of Assisi, the Brustengolo, fritters of St. Joseph.

Main Wines: Sagrantino di Montefalco, Assisi Grechetto, Vernaccia di Cannock, Trebbiano Spoletino, Grechetto of Todi, Bianco di Torgiano, Rubesco Lungarotti.

Main Events and Manifestations: Umbria Jazz, Chocolate, Corpus Christi, Ceri of Gubbio, May Day, St. Francis of Assisi, La Quintana, Le Gaite, the Palio of the Boats, Open Crushers, for more information visit UmbriaOnLine


Newspapers and Periodicals

The Corriere della Sera

Il Sole 24 Ore

The Economist

The Wall Street Journal

Le Monde

The Financial Times



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