Perugia Online ()

From the Land to the Table at the Time of Perugino

Perugia Online Perugia. More than about Perugino the painter, this book deals with the world in which he lived, and the manner in which people lived in those days, from the nobility to the rising bourgeoisie and with particular reference to the exhibition on wine that the Lungarotti Foundation in Torgiano set up during the Perugino show running in Perugia last summer.
Title: Il vino, l’olio, la terra. Dal territorio alla tavola nell’età di Perugino.
Author: Alberto Grohmann.
Publisher: Silvana Editoriale– Cinisello Balsamo (Mi).
Languages: Italian.
Cover price: € 25 (+ postage and packaging).
Info: Museo del vino, Corso Vittorio Emanuele n. 31, 06089 Torgiano (Pg); tel. 075.9880200, fax 075.9880300, e-mail

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